Why Your Customers Stop Doing Business With You
I came across a very interesting study by McGraw Hill about why people stop being customers at a company. Here are the reasons customers...

How To Get More Leads By Using The 'SO WHAT' Test
Right now, people are looking for your product or service. That’s the good news. The bad news is, there are other companies offering the...

What Real Estate Marketing Can Teach Us All
Have you ever received direct mail postcards from a real estate agent? If you are anything like me, you have – many times. And have you...

How To Make Your Ad Sell 19X More Stuff
I am going to tell you about the most important part of an ad and how you can make it much more effective at selling your goods and...

How To Hire A Copywriter: A Step-By-Step Guide
If you are considering hiring a copywriter to develop your marketing content this post may be the most important you ever read. Let me...

How To Test Your Marketing For Maximum Profit
Testing to see if your marketing material is performing as well as it possibly can is a smart idea. Why? Because your ultimate goal is...